2.20.2 Bridge-Priority

This value sets the priority of the bridge in the LAN. This value influences which bridge the spanning tree protocol takes to be the root bridge. This is a 16-bit value (0 .. 65535), where higher values mean lower priority. You should only change the default value if you prefer a certain bridge. The selection process still works even if all the values are the same because, if the priorities are identical, the device uses the MAC address of the bridge to make the decision.

Telnet path: /Setup/LAN-Bridge/Bridge-Priority

Possible values:

Default: 32768

Note: Even though an entire 16-bit parameter is available for configuring this parameter, special care should be taken where newer versions of the rapid or multiple spanning tree protocol are involved. The priority value should only be changed in increments of 4096, because the lower 12 bits are used for other purposes. This could mean that these values may be ignored by future firmware releases.