The distinguished name must be entered here. With this parameter the CAs are assigned to system certificates (and vice versa) on the one hand. On the other hand this parameter is also important for evaluating whether received or available certificates match with the configuration. Separated by commas or forward slashes, this is a list where the name, department, state and country can be specified for the gateway. The following are examples of how an entry might appear: CN=myCACN, DC=mscep, DC=ca, C=DE, ST=berlin, O=myOrg /CN=LANCOM CA/O=LANCOM Systems/C=DE

You can also use reserved characters by using a preceding backslash ("\"). The supported reserved characters are:
You can also use the following internal LCOS variables:


Telnet path: /Setup/Certificates/SCEP-Client/Certificates/DN

Possible values:

Default: Blank