
Optionally enter a different address here (name or IP) to send the reply message to the license server.

By default, the server sends its replies back to the IP address of your device without having to enter it here. By entering an optional loopback address you change the source address and route used by the device to connect to the server. This can be useful, for example, when the server is available over different paths and it should use a specific path for its reply message.

Telnet path:
Setup > Autoload > License
Possible values:
  • Name of the IP network (ARF network), whose address should be used.
  • INT for the address of the first Intranet
  • DMZ for the address of the first DMZ
    Note: If an interface with the name "DMZ" already exists, the device will select that address instead.
  • LB0…LBF for one of the 16 loopback addresses or its name
  • Any IPv4 address
Note: If the sender address set here is a loopback address, these will be used unmasked on the remote client!