1.3 Command-line commands

The command-line interface can be operated with the following DOS- or UNIX-style commands. The LCOS menu commands that are available to you can be displayed at any time by entering HELP at the command line.

Note: Supervisor rights are necessary to execute some commands.
Command Description
beginscript Resets the console session to script mode. In this state, commands entered are not transferred directly to the device's configuration RAM but initially to the device's script memory.
cd [PATH] Switch to the current directory. Various abbreviations can be used, such as replacing " cd ../.." with "cd ...", etc.
default [-r] [PATH] Resets individual parameters, tables or entire menu trees back to their default configuration. If PATH indicates a branch of the menu tree, then the option -r (recursive) must be entered.
del [PATH]* Deletes the table in the branch of the menu tree defined with Path.
deletebootlog Clears the contents of the persistent boot log memory.
dir [PATH] list [PATH] ls [PATH] ll [PATH] Displays the current directory content. The suffix parameter "-a" lists the SNMP IDs associated with the content of the query. The output begins with the SNMP ID of the device followed by the SNMP ID of the current menu. The SNMP IDs of the subordinate items can be read from the individual entries.
do [PATH] [<Parameter>] Executes the action [PATH] in the current directory. Other parameters can be entered in addition.
echo <ARG>... Display argument on console
exit/quit/x Ends the command line session
feature <code> Activation of a software feature with the feature code as entered
flash Yes/No Changes to the configuration using commands in the command line are written directly to the boot-resistant Flash memory of the devices as standard (flash yes). If updating the configuration is suppressed in Flash (flash no), changes are only stored in RAM (deleted on booting).
getenv <NAME> Display environment variable (no line feed)
history Displays a list of recently executed commands. Command !# can be used to directly call the list commands using their number (#): For example, !3 runs the third list command.
killscript Deletes the script session contents yet to be processed. The script session is selected by its name.
loadconfig Load configuration into device via TFTP client
loadfirmware Load firmware into device via TFTP client
loadscript Load script into device via TFTP client
passwd Change password
passwd -n new [old] Change password (no prompt)
ping [IP address or name] ping -6 [IPv6 address]%[Scope] Sends an ICMP echo request to the IP address specified. For more information about the command and the specifics of pinging IPv6 addresses, see the section Parameter overview for the ping command.
printenv Display the entire environment
readconfig Display of the entire configuration in the device syntax
readmib Display of the SNMP Management Information Base
readscript [-n] [-d] [-c] [-m] [PATH] In a console session, the readscript command generates a text dump of all commands and parameters required to configure the device in its current state.
Release [ -x] <Interface 1> ... <Interface n> The DHCPv6 client returns its IPv6 address and/or its prefix to the DHCPv6 server. It then submits a new request for an address or prefix to the DHCPv6 server. Depending on the provider, the server assigns a new address to the client, or reassigns the previous one. Whether the client receives a different address or prefix is determined solely by the server. The option switch -x suppresses the confirmation message. The * wildcard applies the command on all of the interfaces and prefix delegations.
repeat <INTERVAL> <Command> Release IPv6 address: Repeats the command every INTERVAL seconds until the process is ended with new input
sleep [-u] value[suffix] Delays the processing of configuration commands by a particular time or terminates them at a particular time. Valid suffixes are s, m and h for seconds, minutes and hours. If no suffix is defined, the command uses milliseconds. With option switch -u, the sleep command accepts times in format MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss (English) or in format TT.MM.JJJJ hh:mm:ss (German). Times will only be accepted if the system time has been set.
stop Ends the PING command
set [PATH] <value(s)> Sets a configuration parameter to a particular value. If the configuration parameter is a table value, a value must be specified for each column. Entering the * character leaves any existing table entry unchanged.
set [PATH] ? Listing of the possible input values for a configuration parameter. If no name is specified, the possible input values for all configuration parameters in the current directory are listed.
setenv <NAME> <VALUE> Set environment variable
show <Options> Display of special internal data. For information on displaying IPv6-specific data, read the section Overview of IPv6-specific show commands. show ? displays all available information, such as most recent boot processes (’bootlog’), firewall filter rules (’filter’), VPN rules (’VPN’) and memory usage (’mem’ and ’heap’)
smssend [-s <SMSC-Number>] (-d <Destination>) (-t <Text>) Available only on devices with 3G/4G WWAN module: Sends a text message to the destination number entered.
  • -s <SMSC-Number>: Alternative SMSC phone number (optional). If you omit this part of the command, the device uses the phone number stored on the USIM card or that configured under SNMP ID 2.83.
  • -d <Destination>: Destination phone number
  • -t <Text>: Contents of the message with <=160 characters For an overview of available characters, see the section Character set for sending SMS. Special characters must be in UTF8 encoded form.
sysinfo Display of system information (e.g. hardware/software version)
testmail Sends an e-mail. See 'testmail ?' for parameters
time Set time (DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss)
trace […] Configuration of the diagnostics display. For further information on this command refer to the section Parameter overview for the trace command.
unsetenv <NAME> Delete environment variable
who List active sessions
writeconfig Load a new configuration file in the device syntax. All subsequent lines are interpreted as configuration values until two blank lines occur
writeflash Load a new firmware file (only via TFTP)
!! Repeat last command
!<num> Repeat command <num> times
!<prefix> Repeat last command beginning with <prefix>
#<blank> Comment

All commands and directory/parameter names can be entered using their short-forms as long as they are unambiguous. For example, command ”sysinfo” can be shortened to ”sys” and ”cd Management” to ”c ma”. Input ”cd /s” is not valid, however, since it corresponds to both ”cd /Setup” and ”cd /Status”.

Directories can be addressed with the corresponding SNMP ID. For example, the command "cd /2/8/10/2" has the same effect as "cd /Setup/IP-router/Firewall/Rules".

Multiple values in a table row can be changed with one command, for example in the rules table of the firewall:
The values in a table row can alternatively be addressed via the column name or the position number in curly brackets. The command set ? in the table shows the name, the possible input values and the position number for each column. For example, in the rules table of the firewall, the destination has the number 4:

Names that contain spaces must be enclosed within quotation marks (““).

A command-specific help function is available for actions and commands (call the function with a question mark as the parameter). For example, ping ? shows the options of the integrated ping command.

Enter ? on the command line for a complete listing of the console commands available.