IPv6 neighbor cache

The command show ipv6-neighbor-cache displays the current neighbor cache.

The output is formatted as follows:

<IPv6 address> iface <interface> lladdr <MAC address> (<switch port>) <device type> <status> src <source>
Tabelle 1. Components of the command-line output show ipv6-neighbor-cache
Output Comment
IPv6 address The IPv6 address of the neighboring device
Interface The interface where the neighbor is accessed
MAC address The MAC address of the neighbor
Switch port The switch port on which the neighbor was found
Device type Neighbor's device type (host or router)
Status The status of the connection to neighboring devices. Possible entries are:
  • INCOMPLETEResolution of the address was still in progress and the link-layer address of the neighbor was not yet determined.
  • REACHABLEThe neighbor was reached in the last ten seconds.
  • STALEThe neighbor is no longer qualified as REACHABLE, but an update will only be performed when an attempt is made to reach it.
  • DELAYThe neighbor is no longer qualified as REACHABLE, but data was recently sent to it; waiting for verification by other protocols.
  • PROBEThe neighbor is no longer qualified as REACHABLE. Neighbor solicitation probes are sent to it to confirm availability.
Source The IPv6 address at which the neighbor was detected.