Network Connections Settings

Use the Network Connections settings to configure custom network connections.

Under Network > Connections > Network Connections, you can add a new or edit an existing network connection.

The Network Connection panel displays the following information and allows you to configure the following elements:

Input field Description
I/0 A slider switch indicates whether the network connection is active (I) or inactive (0). Click the slider switch to change the status of the connection. A new connection is active by default.
Name Enter a name for the network connection.
Important: If you leave this field empty, the name will be generated automatically from the selected interface and connection type.
Interface From the drop-down list, select the interface that you want to assign to the connection. You may select an Ethernet, VLAN or bridge interface.
Type From the drop-down list, select the connection type. This option is set to Static by default, but you can adjust the settings to one of the other values as necessary:
  • Static – This mode is used to specify a fixed IP address for the connection.
  • DHCP – This mode is used to assign IP addresses dynamically.
Important: Once you click Create to establish the network connection, you will no longer be able to change the connection type.
Note: The elements in the Network tab depend on the selected connection type.
Used by Displays the components that use the network connection.
Status Displays the status of the network connection. The status can be one of the following:
  • up – The network connection is enabled.
  • disabled – The network connection is disabled.
  • disconnected – The network connection is disconnected.

On the Network tab:

Input field Description
IP Addresses Assign one or multiple IP addresses to the network connection. Enter an IP address in CIDR notation (IP address followed by a slash "/" and the number of bits set in the subnet mask, e. g. Click Add to add the IP address to the list. You can edit or delete individual entries in the list by clicking the corresponding button next to an entry. For more information, see Icons and buttons.
Important: If you edit an IP address, a check mark appears on the right of the entry. You have to click the check mark before being able to save the settings of the IP address.
Click / to change the order of the IP addresses in the list.
Important: The IP address which is listed first in the list is used as the default source IP address for NAT and for IPsec connections.
Obtain Gateway Optional and only available if the selected connection Type is DHCP. Select this check box if you want your LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewall to obtain a gateway for the connection from the DHCP server.
Obtain DNS Server Optional and only available if the selected connection Type is DHCP. Select this check box if you want your LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewall to obtain a DNS server for the connection.
Obtain Domain Optional and only available if the selected connection Type is DHCP. Select this check box if you want your LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewall to obtain a domain for the connection from the DHCP server.
Obtained via DHCP Optional and only available if the selected connection Type is DHCP. Displays one of the following states:
  • If the connection is working, the IP address is displayed.
  • Connection not yet saved – A new connection is being created.
  • Failed – The DHCP connection could not be established.

On the WAN tab:

Input field Description
Set Default Gateway Optional and only available if the selected connection Type is Static. Select this check box if you want to set a default gateway for the network connection.
Important: If you select DHCP as the connection type, this check box is always enabled and grayed out as the gateway is obtained from the DHCP server.
Default Gateway Optional and only available if the selected connection Type is Static. Enter the default gateway for this connection.
Important: If you select DHCP as the connection type, this check box is always enabled and grayed out and displays the gateway that is obtained from the DHCP server.
Time Restrictions Optional: Select this check box if you want to set a time limit for which the connection is enabled. Click Edit to open the Time Restriction editor panel which provides the following options:
  • Set specific times and weekdays using the sliders.
  • Always On – The connection is always enabled.
  • Always Off – The connection is always disabled.
The buttons at the bottom right of the editor panel allow you to confirm your time limit changes (OK) and to discard your changes (Cancel). The editor panel closes and the chosen option is displayed on the left of the Edit button: Restricted, Always On or Always Off.
Multi WAN Weight Specify how much of the Internet traffic is routed through this connection by entering a value from 1 to 256. The higher the set value, the higher the percentage of Internet traffic routed through the connection. Setting the same value for all connections results in equal traffic distribution across all connections.
Desktop Object From the drop-down list, select an Internet object that is used in firewall rules for this WAN connection. For more information, see Internet Objects.

On the Failover tab:

Input field Description
Heartbeats Specify how you want to test the state of the connection by adding tests. The default settings contain a ping test with the Google server ( Click Add to add another test to the list. For more information on configuring the reachability test, see Heartbeat Settings. You can edit or delete individual entries in the list by clicking the corresponding button next to an entry. For more information, see Icons and buttons.
Use as backup connection Optional: Select this check box to configure this connection as a backup Internet connection.
Backup connections Select any backup connection you wish to assign to the connection and specify its Priority. If the current connection fails, your LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewall switches to the available backup connection with the highest priority. Click Add to add the backup connection to the list. You can edit or delete individual entries in the list by clicking the corresponding button next to an entry. For more information, see Icons and buttons.
Important: If you edit a backup connection, a check mark appears on the right of the entry. You have to click the check mark before being able to save the settings of the backup connection.

The buttons at the bottom right of the editor panel depend on whether you add a new network connection or edit an existing one. For a newly configured connection, click Create to add it to the list of available connections or Cancel to discard your changes. To edit an existing network connection, click Save to store the reconfigured connection or Reset to discard your changes. You can click Close to shut the editor panel as long as no changes have been made on it.

Click Activate in the toolbar at the top of the desktop to apply your configuration changes.

Heartbeat Settings

The Heartbeat editor panel allows you to set up automatic heartbeat tests to check the connection state. In the editor panel, you can configure the following elements:

Input field Description
Type From the drop-down list, select the type of reachability test you want to run:
  • ping – This mode sends ping signals to the target.
  • tcp_probe – This mode tests the capacity of a TCP connection.
Timeout Specify the timeout for the test in seconds.
Number of tries Set the overall number of tries to be performed.
Number of successful tries Set the number of successful tries required for a successful heartbeat.
Arguments Specify the arguments to be used in the test, e. g. IP addresses that you want to ping.

If you have created a backup Internet connection on the Failover tab and the automatic heartbeat test defines the state of the connection as disconnected, your LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewall automatically switches to the backup connection with the highest priority available.

The buttons at the bottom right of the editor panel allow you to confirm your changes to the heartbeat test (OK) and to run the connection test manually (Test). You can also reject (Cancel) your changes to the test, close the editor panel and return to the Network Connection editor panel. The specified test is displayed as an entry in the list under Heartbeats on the Failover tab.

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