Commands for the LL2M client

An encrypted tunnel is set up for every LL2M command to protect the transmitted log-in information. To use the integrated LL2M client, start a terminal session on a device that has local access to the LL2M server via the available physical medium (LAN, WLAN). The following commands can be used to contact the LL2M server in this console session:

Anmerkung: You must have root rights on the LL2M server to run commands on the LL2M client.


The LL2M client uses this command to send a SYSINFO request to the LL2M server. The server then sends its system information, such as hardware and serial number, back to the client for display. The LL2Mdetect command can be restricted with the following parameters:

-a <MAC-address>
Restricts the command to those devices with the specified MAC address only. Enter the MAC address in the format 00a057010203, 00-a0-57-01-02-03 or 00:a0:57:01:02:03.If no MAC limitations are set, the "detect" is sent as a multicast (or alternatively using -b as a broadcast) to all LL2M-compatible devices. To contact groups of MAC addresses, * and x can be used as wildcards in individual MAC address positions, e.g., 00-a0-57-xx-xx-xx for all devices' MAC addresses.
Anmerkung: In a command line with multiple parameters, the final parameter must be -a. A different order is not allowed.
Explicitly sends the LL2Mdetect request as a broadcast and not as a multicast.
-f <Version>
Restricts the command to those devices with the corresponding firmware version only.
-r <Hardware-Release>
Restricts the command to those devices with the corresponding hardware release only.
-s <Serial number>
Restricts the command to those devices with the corresponding serial number only.
-t <Hardware-Type>
Restricts the command to those devices of the corresponding hardware type only.
-v <VLAN-ID>
Only sends the LL2Mdetect request on the VLAN specified. If no VLAN ID is specified, the VLAN ID of the first defined IP network is used.

The command ll2mdetect -r A sends a SYSINFO request to all devices of the hardware release "A". The response from the LL2M server then contains the following information:


The LL2M client uses this command to send a single-line command to run on the LL2M server. Multiple commands can be combined in one LL2M command by using semicolons as separators. Depending on the command, the actions are run on the remote device and the responses from the remote device are sent to the LL2M client for display. The LL2Mexec command conforms to the following syntax:

ll2mexec <User>[:<Password>]@<MAC address>

The LL2Mexec command can be restricted with the following parameters:

-i <WLAN-Interface>
Only sends the LL2Mexec command only on the specified WLAN interface.
-v <VLAN-ID>
Only sends the LL2Mexec command on the VLAN specified. If no VLAN ID is specified, the VLAN ID of the first defined IP network is used.

For example, the command line ll2mexec root@00a057010203 set /setup/name MyDevice logs in the LL2M client as "root" on the LL2M server with the MAC address "00a057010203". Since the password was not included, the device first looks for the corresponding username in the local database and automatically uses the password for this user. If the username is also not included, the login data of the currently registered user for the CLI session is used. Then the LL2M client sets the name of the remote device to the value 'MyDevice'.