
With this action you manually restart the device. Parameters can be used to do this at a later time, or or even to delete a planned restart again.

This feature can be used for scenarios where critical changes are made to the configuration, where a misconfiguration could lead to the device being unreachable (e.g. WAN connection or management connection). The command can be used in conjunction with the test mode "flash no" in which configuration changes are not stored persistently in flash. Example:

  1. On the CLI, "flash no" is executed.
  2. Set a timed reboot in 30 minutes, e.g. do /other/boot-system 30m
  3. Implementing critical configuration changes.
    • If the changes were successful, the reboot timer can be stopped with "do /other/boot-system stop" and the system can be returned to "flash yes".
    • If the changes make the device unreachable, the device will automatically reboot after 30 minutes with the old configuration that was active before "flash no" was set.
Console path:
Possible arguments:
Restart after a specified duration in seconds, example: do /other/boot-system 10s
Restart after a specified time in minutes, example: do /other/boot-system 10m
Restart after a specified duration in hours, example: do /other/boot-system 10h
Stop timer, example: do /other/boot-system stop

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