Queue lists

The configured queue templates are concatenated into a queue list here. This is done by a comma-separated list, with the order specifying the priority from high to low.

Important: It is when creating a queue list, make sure that the commit rates of the queues do not overbook the bandwidth of the WAN interface. Otherwise, the low priority queues may be starved.
Important: It is also important to ensure that DSCP tags are not assigned multiple times. If this happens, the nature of the implementation means that the tag is assigned to the lowest-priority queue.

Previously created queues can be found in LANconfig under Firewall/QoS > QoS > Queue lists.

This name is used to reference the Queue-List from other tables. It must be unique within the table.
Best effort cong. action
This references a Congestion action in the Congestion action table to assign a Congestion action to the Best-Effort-Queue. By default, the DEFAULT entry is used.
Sorted list
A comma-separated list of queue templates is entered here, with their priorities ranging from high to low. Up to six of your own custom queue templates be concatenated here, since two places are reserved for the internal Urgent-Queue and Best-Effort-Queue. Example of a list: Gold, silver, bronze. The priority of the queues starts with gold, then silver and bronze.


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