IKE-CFG sends subnet mask for the negotiated IP address

As of LCOS 10.90 the netmask (IPv4) or prefix length (IPv6) can be specified for the addresses assigned to the clients.

For this purpose, LANconfig now has the following parameters under VPN > IKEv2 / IPSec > IPv4 addresses or VPN > IKEv2 / IPSec > IPv6 addresses.

Optional netmask sent along with the negotiated IP address.

Prefix length
Optional prefix length sent for the negotiated IP address.

Corresponding RADIUS attributes are also supported:

ID Name Meaning
9 Framed IP netmask Specifies the IP netmask to be configured for the client (in IKE-CFG mode "Server"). This attribute value causes a static route to be added for the framed IP address with the specified mask.
LANCOM 32 LCS-IPv6-Prefix-Length Specifies the IPv6 prefix length to be configured for the client (in IKE-CFG mode "Server").
9 Framed IP netmask Specifies the IP netmask to be configured for the client (in IKE-CFG mode "Server"). This attribute value causes a static route to be added for the framed IP address with the specified mask.
LANCOM 32 LCS-IPv6-Prefix-Length Specifies the IPv6 prefix length to be configured for the client (in IKE-CFG mode "Server").


LANCOM Systems GmbH | A Rohde & Schwarz Company | Adenauerstr. 20/B2 | 52146 Wuerselen | Germany | E‑Mail info@lancom.de