As of LCOS 10.90 the netmask (IPv4) or prefix length (IPv6) can be specified for the addresses assigned to the clients.
For this purpose, LANconfig now has the following parameters under
or .
- Netmask
- Optional netmask sent along with the negotiated IP address.

- Prefix length
- Optional prefix length sent for the negotiated IP address.
Corresponding RADIUS attributes are also supported:
ID | Name | Meaning |
9 | Framed IP netmask | Specifies the IP netmask to be configured for the client (in IKE-CFG mode "Server"). This attribute value causes a static route to be added for the framed IP address with the specified mask. |
LANCOM 32 | LCS-IPv6-Prefix-Length | Specifies the IPv6 prefix length to be configured for the client (in IKE-CFG mode "Server"). |
9 | Framed IP netmask | Specifies the IP netmask to be configured for the client (in IKE-CFG mode "Server"). This attribute value causes a static route to be added for the framed IP address with the specified mask. |
LANCOM 32 | LCS-IPv6-Prefix-Length | Specifies the IPv6 prefix length to be configured for the client (in IKE-CFG mode "Server"). |