Stable-Private IPv6 Autoconfig Addresses

From LCOS 10.90, the new parameter Identifier Mode is available in LANconfig under both IPv6 > General > LAN interfaces and IPv6 > General > WAN profiles

Identifier mode
Defines how automatically generated IPv6 addresses are created on the respective interface of the device.
Automatically generated IPv6 addresses on the configured interface are generated according to the EUI-64 principle, i.e., the MAC address is used as the basis for the host portion of the IPv6 address.
Stable privacy
Automatically generated IPv6 addresses on the configured interface are formed according to RFC 7217. The generation no longer relies on the unique MAC address of the device or the interface but, for privacy reasons, uses a combination of random values and the received provider prefix. The generated interface identifier remains stable or identical as long as the received prefix is the same. If the prefix changes, the interface identifier and, therefore, the entire IPv6 address of the device also changes.
Additionally, under IPv6 > General > IPv6 addresses, the parameter Address type includes the following new option:

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