Support for MTU 1500 in PPPoE according to RFC 4638

As of LCOS 10.90, MTU 1500 in the PPPoE as per RFC 4638 is supported.

Two new parameters have been introduced. The first can be found in DSL broadband remote site settings under Communication > Remote Sites > Remote Sites (DSL).

Use MTU 1500 via PPPoE
Defines, if the devices should negotiate a PPPoE MTU of 1500 based on RFC 4638. The remote peer must support this extension as well.

The second new parameter is found in the PPPoE server settings. In LANconfig under Communication > General.

Support MTU 1500
Defines, if the devices should negotiate a PPPoE MTU of 1500 based on RFC 4638. The remote peer must support this extension as well.

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