As of LCOS 10.90, you can configure additional target addresses and a recovery action in the alive test.
The alive test allows you to check the reachability of IPv4 addresses using ping. If no response is received or if connectivity is restored after being unreachable, the device can perform a configurable action.
In LANconfig, configure the Alive Test under
- Target IP address 1-4
- Up to four possible target IPv4 addresses to which the device sends a ping. Only one address needs to be reachable for the Alive Test to be considered successful.
- Reestablish user-defined command
Any console-executable command can be specified as a recovery action. This is executed once when the device transitions from
the error state of unreachable target addresses to a state where the configured target address is reachable again.
Note: This action is only executed if Reaction is set to User-defined command.