To configure the BFD profiles switch to the view
- Name
- Enter a descriptive name for this BFD profile. If BFD is used in combination with BGP, this name is linked to the corresponding BGP neighbor.
- Min-Tx-Interval
- Minimum interval in milliseconds between sent BFD control messages. (Value range 1-9999 milliseconds, default 250)
- Min-Rx-Interval
- Minimum interval in milliseconds between received BFD control messages. (Value range 1-9999 milliseconds, default 250)
- Multiplier
- Number of packets not received for an interface to be declared as down. The multiplier and the interval together produce the time until a connection is declared as down. (Value range 1-255, default 3)
- Mode
- Specifies whether the BFD neighbor is single-hop or multi-hop connected. In single-hop mode, the UDP destination port 3784 and time-to-live of 1 are used in the IP header. Multi-hop mode uses UDP port 4784. In Automatic, single-hop mode is used if the route to the neighbor is of the type Connected LAN or WAN, otherwise multi-hop is used. By default, eBGP sessions are single-hop. iBGP sessions can be multi-hop. Possible values:
- Automatic
- Single-Hop
- Multi-Hop
- Authentication
- Specifies the type of authentication used for the BFD messages. Possible values:
- None
- Password
- MD5
- MD5-Meticulous
- SHA1
- SHA1-Meticulous
- Key-Chain
- Name of the key chain from the table Key-Chains. Defines the key used for the BFD messages. For the parameter Authentication, a value must be configured that is other than "None".