Traces can be conveniently recorded under Windows (e.g. as an aid to Support), and we recommend you do this as follows:
Start a terminal program, e.g. HyperTerminal. Enter a name of your choice when prompted to do so.
In the window 'Connect to' use the pulldown menu 'Connect using' and select the entry 'TCP/IP'. As 'Host address' enter the local/official IP address or the FQDN of the device. After confirmation, HyperTerminal dipslays a request to log in. Enter the configuration password.
You record the traces by clicking on Transmit / Capture text. Enter the path of the directory where the text file is to be saved. Now change back to the dialog window and enter the required trace command.
To stop the trace, click on the HyperTerminal menus Transmit / Stop text capture.