To find the best possible alignment for point-to-point connection antennas, the current signal quality over a P2P connection can be displayed on the device's LEDs or in LANmonitor. LANmonitor provides not only an optical display of link strength, but an acoustic signal as well.
In LANmonitor the connection quality display is opened with the context menu. Right-clicking with the mouse on ‘Point-to-point’ activates the option Adjusting Point-to-Point WLAN Antennas.
Once signal monitoring has commenced, the P2P dialog displays the absolute values for the current signal strength and the maximum value since starting the measurement. The trend of the signal strength over time and the maximum value are also displayed in a diagram.
Initially only one of the two antennas should be adjusted until a maximum value is achieved. This first antenna is then fixed and the second antenna is then adjusted to attain the best signal quality.
An acoustic signal can be activated to help align the antennas precisely. With this option, the PC can emit a tone which varies according to signal strength. Maximum signal strength over the link is signaled by a constant tone. If the signal strength drops below the maximum, tones are emitted at intervals indicating the difference from the former maximum. The shorter the interval, the closer the current link signal strength is to the maximum.