The method checks the PPP connection to a specific remote site with regular LCP requests. This method is typically used to check the connection to the Internet provider. The LCP requests are directed straight to the dial-in node.
In the PPP list, a time interval for the transmission of LCP requests to the remote site is defined for this connection. Further, for the event that LCP replies are missed, the number of retries before the transmission of a new LCP request is defined. Should the transmitter not receive any reply to the retries, the line is considered to have failed.
- Time: The time entered into the PPP list must be multiplied by the factor 10 to arrive at the actual interval between two LCP requests. Entering the time as "5" means that an LCP request will be prompted every 50 seconds.
- Retries: If no reply to an LCP request is received then the remote site will be checked in shorter intervals. The device then tries to reach the remote site once a second. The number of retries defines how many times these attempts are repeated. Entering "5" under retries means that the LCP request will be repeated 5 times before the connection is considered to have failed.
The settings for LCP monitoring in LANconfig can be found in the configuration section
.Command line: