The operation of the serial interface requires the operating mode and bitrate to be set.
- Operating mode [default: outband]
- Outband: In this mode, the serial interface is only used for configuration with a terminal program.
- Modem: In the 'Modem' setting, the device attempts to find a modem connected to the serial interface. If this is successful then the modem can be used as an additional WAN interface. If a computer running a terminal program is detected, then the device automatically switches the interface into outband mode.
- Bitrate [default: 115,200 bps.] Set the maximum bitrate supported by your modem. The
serial interfaces of LANCOM devices support data-rate values of 19,200 bps, 38,400 bps,
57,600 bps up to a maximum of 115,200 bps.
Important: As long as the LANCOM is set to modem mode, a terminal program operating
over the serial interface will display the AT commands that the LANCOM device transmits while
attempting to identify a connected modem. In the terminal program, press the return key
repeatedly until the modem identification is interrupted and start the configuration