Access list

Up to 16 networks that have access to the configured printer can be entered into the access list. In LANconfig you configure the print server under Management > Advanced > Access list.

IP address
IP address of the network with clients requiring access to the printer.
Important: If the access list is empty, any computer with any IP address can use the printer at the USB port of the device.
Important: For reasons of security, access to the printer at the USB port of the device is not permitted from the WAN.
Netmask of the permitted networks.
Routing tag
Routing tag of the network.

If you specify a routing tag for this access rule, the only packets that will be accepted have received the same tag in the firewall or they are from a network with the corresponding interface tag.

It follows that the use of routing tags only makes sense in combination with the appropriate rules in the firewall or tagged networks.

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