General settings

To configure the settings for the general VoIP parameters, navigate to Voice Call Manager > General.

Voice Call Manager (VCM) enabled
Enables or disables the Voice Call Manager.
Local VoIP domain
Name of the domain in which the connected telephones and the LANCOM Wireless router are operated.
  • Terminal devices working in the same domain register as local subscribers at the LANCOM Wireless router and make use of the SIP proxy.
  • Terminal devices working with the other domain of an active SIP PBX line register themselves as subscribers at an upstream PBX.
Create a SYSLOG message for each call
Each time a call is made with the LANCOM VoIP router a SYSLOG message is created.
Important: Please consider that you can only use this feature with the proper SYSLOG settings.
Send an e-mail for each call
Each time a call is made with the LANCOM VoIP router an e-mail is sent to the defined address.
Important: Please consider that you can only use this feature if you have set up the appropriate SMTP account.

LANCOM Systems GmbH | A Rohde & Schwarz Company | Adenauerstr. 20/B2 | 52146 Wuerselen | Germany | E‑Mail