You adjust the website-blocking settings here:
Command line:
- Alternative blocking URL:
- This is where you can enter the address of an alternative URL. If access is blocked, the URL entered here will be displayed instead of the requested web site. You can use this external HTML page to display your company's corporate design, for example, or to perform functions such as JavaScript routines, etc. You can also use the same tags here as used in the blocking text. If you do not make any entry here, the default page stored in the device will be displayed..
Possible values:
- Valid URL address
- Blank
- Alternative error URL:
- This is where you can enter the address of an alternative URL. In the event of an error, the URL entered here will be displayed instead of the usual web site. You can use this external HTML page to display your company's corporate design, for example, or to perform functions such as JavaScript routines, etc. You can also use the same tags here as used in the error text. If you do not make any entry here, the default page stored in the device will be displayed..
Possible values:
- Valid URL address
- Blank
- Source addr. for alt. block URL:
- This is where you can configure an optional sender address to be used instead of the one that would normally be automatically selected for this target address. If you have configured loopback addresses, you can specify them here as sender address.
Possible values:
- Name of the IP networks whose address should be used
- INT for the address of the first Intranet
- DMZ for the address of the first DMZ.
Important: If there is an interface called DMZ, its address will be taken in this case.
- LB0…LBF for the 16 loopback addresses
- Any IP address in the form x.x.x.x
- Blank
Important: The sender address specified here is used unmasked for every remote station. - Source addr. for alt. error URL:
- This is where you can configure an optional sender address to be used instead of the one that would normally be automatically selected for this target address. If you have configured loopback addresses, you can specify them here as sender address.
Possible values:
- Name of the IP networks whose address should be used
- INT for the address of the first Intranet
- DMZ for the address of the first DMZ.
Important: If there is an interface called DMZ, its address will be taken in this case.
- LB0…LBF for the 16 loopback addresses
- Any IP address in the form x.x.x.x
- Blank
Important: The sender address specified here is used unmasked for every remote station.