Configuring RPKI

RPKI can be found in LANconfig under Routing protocols > General > Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI). With the help of RPKI, BGP prefixes can be validated against a cache. To do this, the Matches table of the BGP policy provides an option for selecting the RPKI state of the relevant prefix. See Matches.

RPKI enabled
Activates or deactivates RPKI
Accepted prefix types
Specifies which ROA prefix types (IPv4 or IPv6) should be stored. To optimize the main memory, the prefix type is recommended to be restricted to the address family (IPv4, IPv6) that is actually operated. Possible values:
Both IPv4 and IPv6 RPKI records are stored on the device (default).
Only IPv4 RPKI records are stored on the device.
Only IPv6 RPKI records are stored on the device

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