Starting LANtracer

Traces can be executed very easily with LANconfig or LANmonitor. To open the trace window for a device, right-click the device entry and select Create trace output from the context menu.

Note: Telnet-access to the device (preferably SSL-secured) needs to be enabled to carry out trace requests with LANconfig or LANmonitor. When starting the trace dialog, LANconfig or LANmonitor first attempts to establish an SSL-encrypted Telnet connection to the device. If the device does not support SSL connections, LANconfig or LANmonitor automatically switches to unencrypted Telnet. If access to the device configuration is password-protected, the access data for an administrator with trace rights is also required.

The Guided configuration wizard facilitates the analysis of detailed trace data. The wizard guides you through a number of dialogs, where you simply select the trace parameters for the analysis of certain problems. Once these entries have been completed, the wizard automatic enables the corresponding trace configuration.

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