Setup and operation / Basic configuration |
It is possible to allow employees to create and manage user accounts even though they do not have access rights to the device configuration. This is done by setting up a limited administrator, who only has the right to use the Public Spot Wizard. This tutorial describes the steps and the necessary access rights and privileges to do this in LANconfig.
The rights to use the Public Spot Wizards are configurable separately from one another, so it is possible to restrict a limited administrator to any single Wizard. In the case of the Public Spot setup wizard, the restricted administrator logging in to WEBconfig is automatically forwarded to the corresponding input mask.
If you have granted the feature rights to several Wizards, the limited administrator can navigate between these using the navigation bar in WEBconfig.
If you have set the function right for the Public Spot Wizard (create user) only, then a limited administrator can only navigate within this Wizard, and the navigation bar is hidden. In this case it is not possible to logout of WEBconfig manually. For security reasons, this means that the lifetime of the WEBconfig session is very short. In case of inactivity, the device automatically logs out the limited administrator.
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