Isolated SSID/VLAN IDs

This menu allows you to map a "collective VLAN" where WLAN clients are unable to communicate with one another. Communication is only possible between WLAN client and AP (hotspot scenario). Outside of this "collective VLAN", communication between the clients can be permitted. This works perfectly transparently within a common SSID where the clients are assigned to different VLANs.

LANconfig: Wireless LAN > Security > Isolated SSID/VLAN IDs

Here you specify the combinations of SSIDs and VLANs between which the traffic between clients is prohibited. This table functions as a blacklist because, generally speaking, we define just a few VLANs where the communication is forbidden, but several where it is allowed.

Important: This mechanism also works when the clients are associated with different APs (although care should be taken to ensure that the table configurations match). A prerequisite for this is that the APs are able to communicate via IAPP.
The list of available WLAN networks.
The identification number of the VLAN.
Important: Allow traffic between stations of this SSID must be permitted globally in order for it to be restricted again with this feature.

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