Dynamic VLAN assignment

Larger WLAN infrastructures often require individual WLAN clients to be assigned to certain networks. Assuming that the WLAN clients are always within range of the same APs, then assignment can be realized via the SSID in connection with a particular IP network. If on the other hand the WLAN clients frequently change their position and logon to different APs then, depending on the configuration, they may find themselves in a different IP network.

For WLAN clients to remain within a certain network independent of their current WLAN network, dynamically assigned VLANs can be used. Unlike the situation where VLAN IDs are statically configured for a certain SSID, in this case a RADIUS server directly assigns the VLAN ID to the WLAN client.


Note: Assignment of the VLAN ID by the RADIUS server can be controlled by other criteria, such as a combination of user name and password, for example. In this way the unknown MAC address of a visitor to a company can be assigned a VLAN ID that permits guest access for Internet access only, for example, but that prohibits access to other network resources.
Note: As an alternative to an external RADIUS server, WLAN clients can be assigned with a VLAN ID via the internal RADIUS server or the stations table in the WLC.

  1. Activate VLAN tagging for the WLC. This is done in the physical parameters of the profile by entering a value greater than '0' for the management VLAN ID.
  2. For authentication via 802.1x, go to the encryption settings for the profile's logical WLAN network and choose a setting that triggers an authentication request.
  3. To check the MAC addresses, activate the MAC check for the profile's logical WLAN network.
    Note: For the management of WLAN modules with a WLC, a RADIUS server is required to operate authentication via 802.1x and MAC-address checks. The WLC automatically defines itself as the RADIUS server in the APs that it is managing—all RADIUS requests sent to the AP are then directly forwarded to the WLC, which can either process the requests itself or forward them to an external RADIUS server.
  4. To forward RADIUS requests to another RADIUS server, use LANconfig to enter its address into the list of forwarding servers in the configuration section 'RADIUS servers' on the Forwarding tab. Alternatively, external RADIUS servers can be entered in WEBconfig under Menu tree > LCOS Setup > RADIUS > Server > Forward servers. Also, set the standard realm and the empty realm to be able to react to different types of user information (with an unknown realm, or even without a realm).
  5. Configure the entries in the RADIUS server so that WLAN clients placing requests will be assigned the appropriate VLAN IDs as based on the identification of certain characteristics.
Note: Further information about RADIUS is available in the documentation for your RADIUS server.


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