General WLAN settings

LANconfig: Wireless LAN > General

Command line: Setup > WLAN

Regulations for the operation of WLAN modules differ from country to country. The use of some radio channels is prohibited in certain countries. To operate the APs while observing the regulations in the relevant country, the Country setting is used to set up all of physical WLAN interfaces for the country where they are operated.
ARP handling
Mobile stations in the wireless network that are on standby do not answer the ARP requests from other network stations reliably. If 'ARP handling' is activated, the AP takes over this task and answers the ARP requests on behalf of stations that are on standby.
E-mail address for WLAN events
Information about events in the WLAN is sent to this e-mail address, if this is activated with the following switch.
Send e-mails
Activates the sending of notification mails to the e-mail address just specified.

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