WLANmonitor – monitoring wireless devices

WLANmonitor is a separate component of LANmonitor. This program is for the central monitoring of the status of a wireless network (WLAN). It provides access to information about the entire network in general and detailed information about individual WLAN controllers, access points, and associated clients. This program also helps you to detect third-party access points (Rogue AP detection).

WLANmonitor also provides the option to collect access points into groups. These groups may consist of access points gathered in buildings, departments, or at particular locations. In particular with large WLAN infrastructures, this helps to keep an overview of the entire network.

The program interface of WLANmonitor is divided into three columns:

The left column (Groups) contains a number of predefined group folders, which WLANmonitor uses to automatically categorize the different types of devices. You can rename these groups as you like, or create additional groups.

The middle column (Access points) lists the access points found by the WLANmonitor. Also display is key information about each access point.

The right-hand column (Clients) lists the clients that are logged in to the selected access point. The following information is shown for each client:

If no access point has been selected or if the respective access point has no clients, LANmonitor instead displays all existing clients.


LANCOM Systems GmbH | A Rohde & Schwarz Company | Adenauerstr. 20/B2 | 52146 Wuerselen | Germany | E‑Mail info@lancom.de