Public-key authentication with LANconfig

This tutorial describes how to use LANconfig to configure public-key based SSH authentication.

  1. Start LANconfig.
  2. From the toolbar, open the dialog Tools > Options > Communication.

  3. Under Protocols, disable all of the options except for SSH and Prefer ‘check’ via TFTP.
    This prevents LANconfig from favoring a different protocol for device communication (e.g. HTTPS) and falling back to another, possibly unencrypted protocol (such as HTTP) if authentication fails.
  4. Activate the option Use public-key authentication.
  5. Specify the path and file name of the OpenSSH private-key file as appropriate and, if required, enter the passphrase that secures your key.
  6. Close the settings dialog with a click on OK.

That's it! Now if you open the configuration dialog or start the Setup Wizard for a device, LANconfig communicates using the SSH protocol and attempts to authenticate with the specified private key.

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