Configuring the reset button

The reset button offers two basic functions—boot (restart) and reset (to the factory settings)—which are called by pressing the button for different lengths of time.

Some devices simply cannot be installed under lock and key. There is consequently a risk that the configuration will be deleted by mistake if a co-worker presses the reset button too long. The behavior of the reset button is controlled with this setting.

Note: For devices without serial interface, you cannot reconfigure the reset button, as otherwise it would no longer be possible to reset the configuration for these devices.
  1. In the LCOS menu tree, navigate to the branch /Setup/Config.
  2. Use the parameter Reset button to determine the behavior of the device when the reset button is pressed. The available settings are:
    • Ignore: Pressing the button does not trigger any action.
    • Boot only: Pressing the button triggers a reboot, regardless of how long it is pressed.
    • Reset or boot: With this setting, the reset button fulfills different functions depending upon how long the key remains pressed: Find more about the different key-press durations in the section Special features of the rollout configuration.
    The settings Ignore or Boot only makes it impossible to reset the configuration to the factory settings or to load the rollout configuration with a reset. If the password is lost for a device with this setting, there is no way to access the configuration! In this case the serial communications interface can be used to upload a new firmware version to the device—this resets the device to its factory settings, which results in the deletion of the former configuration.
  3. Click the Send button to write the configuration back to the device.

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