Data capture with packet capturing

The Extras > Packet capture function offers you a simple way to capture data packets from different interfaces and then analyze them with a program such as Wireshark.

To specify the output file the following general menu items are available:

Interface selection
Use this drop-down menu to choose the interface that you want to capture data packets for.
Include beacons on WLAN-*
Enable this option to capture beacon information in addition to the data packets if the selected interface is a WLAN interface.
Include packet headers only on WLAN-*
Enable this option to limit the capture of data packets to the packet header if the selected interface is a WLAN interface.
Only include packets to/from MAC address
If you only want to record data packets for a particular physical address within the selected interface, you can specify it here.
Volume limit (MiB)
Enter the maximum volume of the recorded packets in Mebibytes.
Packet limit (#)
Here you can set the maximum number of packets to be recorded.
Time limit (s)
Enter the maximum time in seconds, after which the recording ends.

After you set the parameters and click on Go! you create a file that you can save anywhere and open with Wireshark, for example. After a certain period of time (depending on the connection speed), a window opens for you to save the generated files. You can now save the file locally with the suffix *.cap. By default, the file name is composed of the description and interface associated with the device for which the data packets were recorded (e.g. MyDevice-LAN-2.cap). You can change the name when saving or later.

You can stop a recording at any time by clicking on Stop!. This is useful for correcting or adjusting parameters before the data capture.
Important: If you start recording without setting any limits, the device keeps recording the packets until you manually halt the process by clicking on Stop.

Flexible WLAN capture format

A variety of different formats are available to you for storing WLAN packet-capture data. Setup > WLAN > Packet-Capture).

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