Fields and attributes

The wizard uses fields in order to display information to the user and to give the user the option to enter information. Each field corresponds to an internal variable.

The wizard defines a field by specifying the appropriate key word, followed by an internal variable on the same line. Additional lines that follow can optionally contain the attributes for the field.

An example of a field definition in the wizard:

 selection_buttons select_inet
  description   str.inet_Selection
  button_text   str.inet_PPPoE, str.inet_IPoE

This field generates a group of radio buttons, only one of which can be activated by the user. The wizard places the text defined in the string table str.inet_Selection as a description next to the field. For the radio buttons themselves, the wizard displays the text under str.inet_PPPoE and str.inet_IPoE. After an option was selected by the user, the wizard writes the selected value to the internal variable wizard.select_inet.

You can use the following fields in the wizard:

This field checks if the wizard previously changed the device's IP address and redirects the user to the corresponding HTML page. Possible attributes:
  • destination: Target for forwarding as a FQDN or IPv4 address.
  • timeout: Wait time before forwarding.
This field verifies if the device has valid time information. Possible attributes:
  • success_jump: Label of the page that the wizard opens if the check is successful.
  • fail_jump: Label of the page that the wizard opens if the check fails.
  • limit: Maximum number of checks before the wizard considers the test to have failed. Set the limit to the value '0' to continue the checks without limit.
  • timeout: Wait time between two checks.
This field is used for entering hexadecimal values, such as MAC addresses. Possible attributes:
  • description: Field description in the HTML display
  • max_len: Maximum number of characters that the user can enter into this field
  • never_empty: A value of '1' for this attribute denotes a field that the user must fill out.
  • add_to_charset: Adds extra characters to the default input character set.
  • default_value: Default value
This field is used to enter IPv4 addresses. Possible attributes:
  • description: Field description in the HTML display
  • never_empty: A value of '1' for this attribute denotes a field that the user must fill out.
  • never_zero: A value of '1' for this attribute denotes a field that may not contain the value '0'.
  • add_to_charset: Adds extra characters to the default input character set.
  • default_value: Default value
This field is used to enter telephone numbers. Possible attributes:
  • description: Field description in the HTML display
  • max_len: Maximum number of characters that the user can enter into this field
  • never_empty: A value of '1' for this attribute denotes a field that the user must fill out.
  • add_to_charset: Adds extra characters to the default input character set.
  • default_value: Default value
This field is used to enter numbers. Possible attributes:
  • description: Field description in the HTML display
  • range_min: Minimum value that the user can enter in this field
  • range_max: Maximum value that the user can enter in this field
  • signed_value: Allows you to specify a numerical value with a sign
  • never_empty: A value of '1' for this attribute denotes a field that the user must fill out.
  • add_to_charset: Adds extra characters to the default input character set.
  • default_value: Default value
  • unit: The unit of value shown after the input field in the wizard's HTML display.
This field is used to enter text. The attribute hidden is for fields used to enter passwords. Possible attributes:
  • description: Field description in the HTML display
  • hidden: Identifies a field used by the user to enter a password.
  • add_to_charset: Adds extra characters to the default input character set.
  • convert_to_upper: Converts user input into uppercase letters
  • max_len: Maximum number of characters that the user can enter into this field
  • min_len: Minimum number of characters that the user can enter into this field
  • never_empty: A value of '1' for this attribute denotes a field that the user must fill out.
  • unit: The unit of value shown after the input field in the wizard's HTML display.
This field is used to enter text. The user also has the option of selecting from a set of predefined values. Possible attributes:
  • description: Field description in the HTML display
  • default_value: Default value
  • max_len: Maximum number of characters that the user can enter into this field
  • item_value: List of predefined values that the user can select for this field
This field creates a simple check box. Possible attributes:
  • description: Field description in the HTML display
  • value_list: List of the two values that the check box may take on
  • default_selection: Default value
This field creates a link with which the user can switch to one of the wizard's several other HTML pages. Possible attributes:
  • page_description: Comma-separated list of text strings or references to strings that describe the possible link targets.
  • page_label: Comma-separated list or page labels of the possible link targets.
  • description: Field description in the HTML display
This field stops the wizard from being executed until a ping to the target was answered successfully. Possible attributes:
  • destination: Target address for the ping.
  • loopback: Loopback address used by the ping instead of the default reply address
  • success_jump: Label of the page that the wizard opens if the ping is successful.
  • fail_jump: Label of the page that the wizard opens if the ping fails.
  • limit: Maximum number of pings before the wizard considers the test to have failed. Set the limit to the value '0' to continue sending pings without limit.
  • timeout: Wait time between two pings.
This field opens the entered target address in a popup window. Possible attributes:
Note: The target address can contain variables (see Variables).
This field creates a read-only field. The wizard can use these fields to display text. The wizard can use hidden attributes to define internal variables. Possible attributes:
  • description: Field description in the HTML display
  • unit: The unit of value shown after the input field in the wizard's HTML display
  • hidden: Identifies a hidden field.
This field generates a group of radio buttons, only one of which can be activated by the user. Possible attributes:
  • description: Field description in the HTML display
  • button_text: Comma-separated list of text strings or references to strings that describe the individual radio buttons.
  • button_value: Comma-separated list of text strings with the values of the individual radio buttons.
This field generates a drop-down selection list for the user to select a value. Possible attributes:
  • description: Field description in the HTML display
  • item_text: Comma-separated list of text strings or references to strings that describe the individual list entries.
  • item_value: Comma-separated list of text strings with the values of the individual list entries.
  • default_selection: Default value
This field creates static text on the HTML page following the field name as a reference to a text string.

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