Configurable data rates per WLAN module

Some application scenarios may require you to exclude certain data rates, for example where environmental conditions are unfavorable. For this reason it is possible to configure the data rates per SSID or P2P link precisely according to your particular requirements.

Important: In most cases there is no need to change the default settings. Ensure that only WLAN experts adjust these settings, as improper changes may lead to problems with your WLAN network.

By configuring the data rates for each WLAN module, you fix the data rates used by the AP to communicate with its clients (TX) as well as the data rates "announced" by the AP to the client for its communication with the AP (RX).

This rate adaptation specifies a minimum and a maximum data rate, and it also allows you to disable certain data rates between these limits.

Note: The configuration of data rates is only possible for stand-alone APs. Using this in WLC scenarios requires the use of scripts, which the WLC rolls-out to the APs.

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