WLAN management / AutoWDS – wireless integration of APs via P2P connections |
Through the one-time pairing of WLC and APs, you can further reduce the effort required for the preconfigured integration. For pairing, you reset an AP and connect it via LAN to the WLC used for running your managed WLAN including AutoWDS. In the reset state, the AP is automatically in managed mode after being switching on. Once the AP finds the WLC and the WLC accepts the AP, the AP automatically receives all relevant certificates and partial configurations required to configure the parameters in the device. Pairing is then complete. On location, a coworker installs the AP and switches it on. Your device then searches for the preconfigured AutoWDS base network.
The following steps summarize the pairing procedure. They also include the steps for automatic configuration assignment, which further simplifies the pairing of a high number of APs.
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