Storing and uploading the boot configurations


The customer-specific standard settings and the rollout configuration are saved in a compressed format. Using the command line, you can optionally save the current device configuration as your customer-specific standard settings or as a rollout configuration. Use one of the following commands for this:

bootconfig --savecurrent [1,2,all]
bootconfig -s [1,2,all]

Entering the appropriate number ensures that either the first boot memory space for the customer-specific standard settings is selected, or the second boot memory space for the rollout configuration. The parameter all writes the current configuration to both memory spaces at the same time.


The customer-specific standard settings or the rollout configuration can be uploaded to the device with WEBconfig under Extras > File management > Upload configuration: Here you select the configuration file to be used and you activate the purpose as either customer-specific standard settings (first memory space) and/or rollout configuration. Alternative boot configurations must be available as *.lcf files.

Note: If both memory spaces of the boot configuration are occupied (i.e. with customer-specific standard settings and a rollout configuration), then the device cannot be reset to the factory settings by using the reset button. Instead, reset a device as described under Firmware upload via outband with reset of the configuration.
Note: For devices that only allow one boot configuration, the restriction described above does not apply. The reset button always resets these devices to their factory settings.
Note: If the configuration file is encrypted, enter the appropriate password.

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