Virtual links

This table is used to define virtual links (also referred to as transit area). In principle, OSPF requires all areas to be directly connected to the backbone area. Virtual links can be used in cases where this is not possible. A virtual link uses a non-backbone area to connect a router to the backbone area.

OSPF instance
Contains the name of the OSPF instance.
Transit area ID
Contains the area ID, defined as an IPv4 address
Router ID
Contains the router ID of the router at the remote end of the virtual link as an IPv4 address.
Retransmit interval
Contains the number of seconds between retransmissions.
Hello interval
Specifies the interval in seconds that the router sends Hello packets from this interface.
Router Dead Interval
Specifies the elapsed time in seconds during which at least one hello packet must be received from a neighbor before the router declares that neighbor as down.
Note: This value must be greater than the Hello interval.
Authentication type
Contains the authentication method to use for this interface.Possible values:
Simple password
Cryptographic MD5
Authentication key
Contains the authentication key for this network.
Note: In this case the authentication type Null may not be selected.

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