URL blocking

  1. The filter list allows you to block access to specific names or domains. Blocking the domain "www.blocked.com" for all computers on the LAN requires the following commands and inputs:
    LANconfig DNS > Filter/Aliases > DNS filters > Add
    CLI cd Setup/DNS/Filter-List set 001 www.blocked.com

    The index "001" can be freely selected when carrying out the configuration via CLI and serves only to uniquely identify the entry.
    Note: Entering domains can also be done with the help of the wildcards '?' (which stands for exactly one character) and '*' (for any number of characters).
    In order to block a particular computer (e.g. with IP from accessing COM domains, enter the following values:

    In CLI mode, the command is: set 002 *.com
    Note: The hit list in the DNS statistics shows you the 64 most requested names, which gives you useful information for setting the filter list.
    The appropriate choice of IP addresses and netmasks can also be used to filter individual departments when using subnetting in your LAN. The IP address "" stands for all computers in a network, the netmask "" for all networks.


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