
Information on connections between clients in the local network and various remote sites is saved in the accounting table with entries for the connection time and the transferred data volume. Using accounting snapshots, accounting data can be regularly saved at specific times for later evaluation.

Along with IPv4, IPv6 is of course also supported. There is also a function for displaying the current data throughput of individual stations or logical interfaces in the network. This function is particularly suitable for analyzing which station on the network is currently causing which data traffic. For example, this allows stations that are using the Internet connection to be identified, or to see how much traffic is running via which interface at the current time.

For performance reasons, it is recommended to only activate this function while the analysis is running and to deactivate it again afterwards. For more extensive traffic monitoring, Netflow is recommended in conjunction with an external collector.

To use the analysis function, use the command line and set the "Operating" item under /setup/accounting to "Yes".Set the "Intermittent-Reporting-Interval" to a small value in seconds, e.g. 5 seconds.

To deactivate the function again after the analysis, set the "Active" switch to "No".

To display the current throughput per user, use the command "show accounting users"

show accounting users

Username   Interface      Rx-Total     Tx-Total      Rx-IPv4      Tx-IPv4  Rx-IPv6  Tx-IPv6
======================--------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERNET       0 Bit/s    115 Bit/s      0 Bit/s    115 Bit/s  0 Bit/s  0 Bit/s INTERNET   9.38 KBit/s  3.92 KBit/s  9.38 KBit/s  3.92 KBit/s  0 Bit/s  0 Bit/s

Next update of accounting bandwidth data in: 3s

As an alternative to the show command, the status table /Status/Accounting/User-Bandwidth-Usage can also be accessed.

The show command has a number of options that can be displayed by entering ?:

> show accounting ?
Displays short-term bandwidth usage statistics based on accounting.
NOTE: Accounting must be enabled and the Intermittent-Reporting-Interval must be set. All bandwidth data is updated according to that interval.
show accounting-bandwidth <COMMAND> [FLAGS]:

  interfaces:              Displays accounted bandwidth usage per interface
  users:                   Displays accounted bandwidth usage per user per interface

  -bps:                    Displays all data as bps without decimals
  -kbps:                   Displays all data as kbps with 3 fixed decimal places
  -mbps:                   Displays all data as mbps with 3 fixed decimal places
  -gbps:                   Displays all data as gbps with 3 fixed decimal places
        NOTE: You can only choose one of the unit display flags. If none is given, the correct output unit is automatically determined. All numbers are given with 3 significant digits.
  -compact:                Reduces output to bandwidth usage totals per traffic direction
  -totals-only:            (Only for command 'users') Does not show bandwith usage per interface, but as a total value


"show accounting interfaces" shows the load or current data throughput of the interfaces. This information can also be found in the /Status/Accounting/Interface-Bandwidth-Usage table

With the command "repeat 5 show accounting users" on the CLI you can have the command displayed automatically every 5 seconds.

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