Configuring the device

This is how the LANCOM is configured for operation at a point-to-point line:

  1. When configuring SIP clients, all you need to enter are the internal VoIP domain of the LANCOM VoIP router and the associated internal phone number. The extension numbers previously used for the ISDN terminal devices remain unallocated.
  2. A SIP provider line is created for the SIP account. The 'Trunk' option is selected as the mode for this line.
  3. Routing of calls is governed by the call routing table. When using the Wizards available with LANconfig, the call routing table is preconfigured such that all out-going calls from ISDN and SIP devices are made using the SIP trunk account.

LANCOM Systems GmbH | A Rohde & Schwarz Company | Adenauerstr. 20/B2 | 52146 Wuerselen | Germany | E‑Mail