>NetBIOS proxy

For security reasons, the behavior of the NetBIOS proxy has to be adjusted to the relevant networks, for example because it normally is not to be active within the DMZ. For this reason, the NetBIOS proxy can be configured separately for each network.

Console: Setup > NetBIOS > Networks

Name of the network that the NetBIOS proxy is to be activated for.
This option defines if the NetBIOS proxy is active for the selected network or not.
The workgroup or domain used by the network clients. With multiple workgroups, mentioning one workgroup suffices.
Important: In the default setting 'Intranet' and 'DMZ' are entered into this table; the NetBIOS proxy is activated for the intranet and deactivated for the DMZ.

As soon as a network has an interface tag, then the only names (hosts and groups) visible from this network are those in a network with the same tag, or which are accessible via a suitably tagged (with the same tag) WAN route. An untagged network sees all names. Similarly, all names learned from untagged networks are visible to all networks.

The DNS server considers the interface tags when resolving names, i.e. the only names resolved by DNS are those learned from a network with the same tag. The special role played by untagged networks applies here too.

The workgroup/domain enables networks to be scanned for NetBIOS names when a device is started. The workgroup is different for every network and has to be defined everywhere. In networks without domains, the name of the largest workgroup should be defined here.


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