HTTP interface

Using the HTTP API, access points can send LBS data directly to a freely configurable HTTP endpoint. The data is sent in JSON format, which ensures easy processing at the receiving end.

HTTP server URL
Configure the URL of the HTTP endpoint here.
Note: HTTP and HTTPS are supported. When using HTTPS, certificate verification may be disabled, based on a server certificate, or performed a both ends by server and client authentication. For this purpose, a PKCS#12 container with CA and client certificate can be uploaded to the device that contains the CA certificate or the CA and client certificates. This can be performed using LANconfig or WEBconfig. If no PKCS#12 container is uploaded, no certificate verification is carried out when HTTPS is used.
Figure 1. Screenshot WEBconfig

HTTP server secret
The HTTP server secret is transmitted in the JSON messages from the access point to the end point and can be used to additionally authenticate the messages.
HTTP data sources
Here you configure whether to transmit WLAN, BLE, or both types of LBS data.
Note: The setting BLE is only supported on devices featuring BLE.
Source address
Use this item to configure which loopback address should be used for communication with the HTTP endpoint. This may be necessary if multiple IP networks are configured on the device.
Measurements fields
Here you configure which measurement fields or data from the access point should be included in the messages to the HTTP endpoint. In order to minimize the data volume, we recommend that you limit this to essential data only.

Data format of the messages sent to the endpoint

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