Dynamic / static

The VPN gateway Branch office initiates a VPN connection to the gateway Headquarters. Branch office has a dynamic IP address that was chosen and assigned by the Internet service provider upon dialing in, whereas Headquarters has a fixed, static address. When the connection is set up, Branch office transmits its actual IP address to Headquarters. This is accomplished by a special ICMP packet (alternatively UDP, port 87).

Entry Headquarters   Branch
Type of local IP address static dynamic
Type of remote IP address dynamic static
Name of the local device Headquarters Branch
Name of the remote site Branch Headquarters
Password for the secure transmission of the IP address confidential confidential
Shared Secret for encryption secret secret
IP address of the remote device
IP-network address of the remote network
Netmask of the remote network
Note: An ISDN line is not necessary for establishing this type of connection. The dynamic end communicates its IP address encrypted via the Internet protocol ICMP (or alternatively via UDP).


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