Certificates on offer from public certifiers are available in various security classes. The higher security classes require more effort on behalf of the applicants to demonstrate the authenticity of their identity to the CA. The Trustcenter AG in Hamburg, for example, uses the following classes:
- Class 0: These certificates are issued without an identity check and serve only for customer tests.
- Class 1: For this class, the existence of an e‑mail address is the only check. These certificates are useful for private users wishing to sign their e‑mails, for example.
- Class 2: This level, too, does not involve any personal proof of identity. The submission of an application along with, for example, a certificate of company registration is sufficient. This level is suitable for communications between companies that already know each other.
- Class 3: This level involves a personal check of the person or company. The information in the issued certificates is compared with a passport or a notarized copy of the certificate of company registration. This level is suitable for advanced applications such as e-business or online banking.
In your dealings with public certificate service providers, be sure to check in detail the security class or the proof of identity. This is the only way to be sure that the certificates really do meet with your security requirements.