To use the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client to dial in to a router, the appropriate profile settings must be adjusted to allow for the use of certificates.
- In the IPSec General Settings for the profile, change the IKE policy to 'RSA signature'.
- Switch the identity to 'ASN1 Distinguished Names'. The 'identity' can remain blank since this information is taken from the certificate.
- Use the ‘IKE config mode’ to assign the IP address.
- For the certificate check, you can optionally restrict the certificates accepted by the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client. To do this, you define the user and/or the issuer of the incoming certificate and, if applicable, the associated "fingerprint".
- After storing the adapted connection profile, click on the menu item Configuration / Certificates to open the settings for the User Certificate.
- Select the certificate type 'from PKCS#12 file' and set the required certificate file.
- To work with different certificates, activate the option 'Soft Certificate Selection' and enter the path for the folder where the certificate files are stored.
- Specify whether the PIN (password) for the certificate should be requested for every connection. Alternatively, the PIN can be permanently stored in the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client under the menu item .
- If you have enabled certificate selection, when you initiate the connection you can select the required certificate in the main window of the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client according to the selected profile.