View DHCP table

You can view the DHCP table for a certain device. Detailed information is recorded:

IP address
IP address of the local network device
MAC address
MAC address of the local network device
Lease for the address assignment in minutes.
Host name
Names of the local devices on your network (if known)
Type of assignment
  • New: The client made the request for the first time. The DHCP checks that the address to be assigned to the client is unique.
  • Unknown: When the server checked if the address was unique, it was found that the address had already been assigned to another client. Unfortunately, the DHCP server does not have any way of obtaining further information about this client.
  • Static: A client has informed the DHCP server that it has a fixed IP address. This address may not be used for any other clients in the network.
  • Dynamic: The DHCP server has assigned an address to the client.
Network name
Displays the name of the network that the local network device is connected to
Date and time of the address assignment.

You will find the following functions in the Accounting menu:

You will find the following functions in the View menu:

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